Chloroxylenol I.P. 4.8% w/v, Terpineol B.P. 9.0% v/v, Alcohol (Denatured) eq. to absolute alcohol 13.1% v/v, Contains Caramel as colour, Excipients q.s.
- Greens & Herbs
- Herbs
- Lettuce & Leaves
- Squash & Pumpkin
- Sweet Peppers & Hot Peppers
- Tomatoes
- Onions
- Peas & Beans
- Potato & Sweet Potato
- Radish
- Root Vegetables
- Cabbage
- Carrots
- Celery & Rhubarb
- Corn
- Cucumbers
- Eggplant
- Garlic
- Mushrooms
- Tropical Fruit
- Fresh Vegetables
- Asparagus & Artichoke
- Avocado
- Beets
- Pears
- Pomegranate
- Strawberries & Berries
- Figs
- Grapes
- Mango
- Melons & Watermelons
- Peaches
- Bananas
- Cherries
- Citrus Fruit
- Fresh Fruit
- Apples
- Turkey
- Fresh Poultry
- Chicken
- Ground Poultry
- Fresh Meat
- Ground Meat
- Pork
- Beef
- Lamb
- Veal
- Wafers & Waffles
- Cakes & Pastries
- Cakes & Muffins
- Cookies & Biscuits
- Pastries & Donuts
- Challah
- Bread & Bakery
- Bread
- Wheat Bread
- Buns & Bagels
- Flatbread & Wraps
- Specialty Breads
Rye Bread
- Whole Grain & Brown Bread
- Oatmeal
- Granola
- Hot Cereal & Kashas
- Kids Favorites
- Cornflakes
- Baby Food
- Churros
- Cold Cereals
- Dark Lager
- Porter
- Wheat
- Strong Lager
- Stout
- Imported Beer
- Lager
- Pilsner
- Ale
- Non-Alcoholic
- Pilsner
- Flavored & Specialty Beverages
- Craft Beer
- Wheat
- Ale
- Lager
- Pilsner
- Porter
- Domestic Beer
- Ale
- Lager
- Rice & Couscous
- Couscous
- Rice
- Oat
- Quinoa
- Seeds
- Semolina
- Wheat
- Millet
- Mixes
- Bulgur
- Corn Groats
- Barley
- Buckwheat
- Grains & Seeds
- Lentils
- Peas
- Beans
- Beans & Peas
- Beans
- Turkish Coffee
- Instant Coffee
- Coffee Substitutes
- Ground Coffee
- Hot Chocolate Powder
- Coffee Creamers
- Coffee Drinks
- Coffee Powder
- Yogurt Drinks
- Puddings & Desserts
- Yogurt & Puddings
- Yogurt
- Organic Milk
- Milk
- Sour Cream
- Choco Milk & Shakes
- Cream & Creamers
- Milk & Cream
- Whole Milk
- Milk Substitutes
- Buttermilk & Kefir
- Fresh Eggs
- Margarine
- Dairy Spreads
- Cream Cheese
- Butter
- Dairy Free Cheese
- Cheese
- Firm Cheese
- Feta & Goats Milk Cheese
- Soft Cheese
- Farmers & Cottage Cheese
- Packaged Smoked Meat
- Jerky & Meat Sticks
- Smoked Meat
- Ham & Pork
- Bacon
- Turkey & Chicken
- Corned Beef & Pastrami
- Salami
- Bologna & Mortadella
- Franks
- Sausages
- Deli Meat
- Seafood
- Shrimps
- Fresh Fish
- Fresh Shellfish
- Canned Tuna & Seafood
- Caviar & Seafood
- Caviar
- Smoked & Salted Fish
- Seafood Salads
- Dried Fish
- Ice Cream & Sorbet
- Ice Cream
- Cheese Bars
- Sorbet
- Frozen Meat & Seafood
- Frozen Fish
- Frozen Seafood
- Frozen Shrimp
- Frozen Meat
- Frozen Poultry
- Frozen Meals
- Pizza
- Ready Meals
- Frozen Fruit
- Bread & Baked Goods
- Pancakes & Waffles
- Frozen Foods
- Frozen Vegetables
- Pastry & Dough
- Frozen Dumplings & Pasta
- Frozen Pierogies
- Frozen Dumplings
- Granola & Cereal Bars
- Candies
- Jelly & Chewy Candy
- Gums & Mints
- Halva
- Chocolate
- Chocolate & Sweets
- Chocolate Candies
- Turkish Delight
- Zefir & Pastilla
- Chocolate Boxes
- Chocolate Bars
- Canned Soup
- Canned Spaghetti & Pasta
- Canned Fruits
- Compote
- Canned Meat & Pate
- Salad Dressings & Toppings
- Basic Products
- Canned & Jarred Food
- Canned Beans & Peas
- Canned & Jarred Foods
- Canned Vegetables
- Canned Beans & Peas
- Canned Tuna & Seafood
- Canned Olives & Pickles
- Canned Tomatoes & Pastes
- Sugar & Sweeteners
- Dried Vegetables
- Cooking Vinegar
- Stocks & Broth
- Basic Products
- Breadcrumbs & Stuffing
- Soft Drink Mixes
- Sauces & Salsa
- Salt
- Spices & Seasonings
- Oil & Cooking Sprays
- Chocolate Chips
- Icing & Toppings
- Baking Needs
- Baking Mixes
- Flour
- Canned & Powdered Milk
- Jello & Pudding
- Essentials & Extracts
- Pie Crusts & Fillings
- Alcohol
- White Wine
- Red Wine
- Blush Wine
- Baby & Toddler Snacks
- Purees
- Baby Formula
- World Foods
- Asian
- Mexican & Hispanic
- Peanut Butter
- Chocolate & Nut Spreads
- Snacks & Crackers
- Spreads
- Jams & Preserves
- Honey
- Hummus
- Eggplant
- More Spreads
- Tahini
- Syrups
- Fruit & Nut Snacks
- Popcorn
- Crackers
- Chips
- Krispbread
- Corn & Cheese Sticks
- Dog Food & Treats
- Cat Food & Treats
- Snacks & Crackers
- Toasts
- Hand Soaps
- Personal Care
- For Men
- Baby Skin Care
- Cream & Body Care
- Shaving & Hair Removal
- Sanitizing Gel & Wipes
- Soap Bars
- Oral Care
- Body Wash & Shampoo
- Diapers & Wipes
- Cotton Balls & Swabs
- Hair Color
- Deodorant For Women
- Deodorant For Men
- Baby Shampoo & Wash
- Medicine & Vitamins
- Feminine Care
- Pasta
- Rice & Couscous
- Grains & Seeds
- Pasta & Spaghetti
- Beans & Peas
- Mashed Potato & Ready Rice
- More Meals
- Instant Meals
- Noodles & Soup
- Instant Meals
- Macaroni & Cheese
- Hot Beverages
- Herbal Tea
- Black & Earl Grey Tea
- Green Tea
- Stationery
- Candles & Matches
- Cooking & Food Bags
- Toys
- Disposable Items
- Plates
- Foil & Baking Papers
- Car & Home
- Dried Fruit Snacking
- Fruit & Nut Snacks
- Nut & Seed Snacks
- Laundry
- Trash Bags
- Cleaning Accessories
- Home Cleaning
- Bathroom Tissue & Paper
- Water & Sparkling Water
- Seltzer & Sparkling Water
- Still Water
- Soft & Soda Drinks
- Soda Drinks
- Soft Drinks
- Lemonade
- Kvas
- Nectars
- Juice & Nectar
- Coconut Water
- Juices
- Aloe Vera Drinks
- Iced Tea & Coffee Drinks
- Iced Tea
- Coffee Drinks
- Energy & Sports Drinks
- Sports Drinks
- Vitamin Water
- Energy Drinks
- Soda
- Compote
- Dairy & Cheese
- Meat & Poultry
- Grocery
- Deli
- Grains & Beans
- Beverages, Coffe and Tea
- Fresh Produce
- Cereal
- Baby & Kids Food
- Frozen Foods
- Beer
- Household, Cleaning & Laundry
- Home & Entertainment
- Personal & Baby Care
- Pet Store